ABACLE Production Schematic Design Demo

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Welcome to your ABA Program!

To receive CLE credit: You must attend the entire program and click on all participation verification alerts to confirm your attendance. After the program ends, complete and submit the program evaluation and credit request form. Once your attendance is verified, your certificate(s) of completion will be emailed to you. Click here to report certificate issues.

How to Participate: We encourage you to ask questions! Use the Slido Q&A box on the right to submit and answer questions during the session. If you haven’t already, download a copy of the course materials from the “Handouts” tab.

Having Trouble Hearing or Watching Today’s Program?
  • Click the play button on the video player.
  • Try refreshing the web page (F5 for PC, Command-R for Mac).
  • Try another web browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • Select the "?" icon in the lower-right corner for additional help.

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